BeerMaster Controller Power Board:
Various Part references include 662902, 662903 and 662904
Please ensure you confirm one of the above part refeences when ordering.
Power Boards will be compatible with all Beermaster BMI and BMIE units which take in:
Suitable for all BMI indoor Evaporators This Beermaster BMI407/216-812-212 display controller PCB is for use with BMI407-37, BMIE407-37, BMI407-48, BMIE407-48, BMI407-69, BMIE407-69, BMI407-89, BMIE407-89, BMI407-104, BMIE407-104, BMI407-133 and BMIE407-133.
May be compatible with: BMIE-448-37, BMIE-448-48, BMIE-448-69, BMIE-448-89, BMIE-448-133. The most recent Beermaster cellar cooling range on R448. Please make contact if unsure.
The BeerMaster Controller Power board is connected to the Beermaster LCD temperature display board by a ribbon Part ref: 216-812-214