
Craft Beer Home Brewing Equipment – What You Need to Know

Follow your passion, what Craft Beer Home Brewing Equipment do you need to join the burgeoning independent brewery community. Brewing craft beer may not be an exact science precision remains a key factor. Mistakes will surface along the way but smaller volumes correlate to smaller losses. A microbrewery is a springboard for a rewarding business venture and being able to enjoy the fruits of your labours. The positive aspect of

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R32 refrigerant and future proofing refrigerants for the environment

R-32 refrigerant is a relatively new refrigerant in air conditioning units and an efficient replacement for R410A. Though not a retrofit for R410a and only for use within systems specific to R32. R32 is a lower flammability (and low toxicity) refrigerant, R410A is widely used in air conditioning and cellar cooling systems and first introduced in 1996. The phase out of R410a now gathering momentum since early 2019. The benefits

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Craft Brewery

Craft beer equipment and cellars in to mothballs for now

Craft beer equipment and cellars back in to mothballs as from the 4th January with the licensed industry under increasing strain. Expected to last until the vaccine priority list (top 4 tiers) have had the vaccination. Now more than ever publicans feeling the strain are looking at long term savings. Moreover, a positivity that has prevailed throughout despite the onerous cost to the licensed trade. Some of the figures and

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